Configuration reference









  • Description: Class for styling default rows.
  • Allowed Attributes:
    • Similar to .row-selected with variations.
  • Inner Classes:
    • Similar inner classes as .row-selected


  • Description: Class for styling the description section within a row.
  • Allowed Attributes:
    • Attributes similar to .row-selected or .row, focused on font size, color, and spacing.


  • Description: Class for styling the title section within a row.
  • Allowed Attributes:
    • Attributes similar to .row-selected or .row, with emphasis on font size and bold styling.

.icon and .category-icon





  • Descritpion: weither or not Onagre should exit when it looses focus
  • Value: Boolean


  • Description: Whether or not Onagre should exit when it loses focus.
  • Value: Boolean


  • Description: Defines the font family for styling.
  • Value: String


  • Description: Sets the font size.
  • Value: Pixel value


  • Description: Specifies the theme for icons.
  • Value: String


  • Description: Sets the size of icons.
  • Value: Pixel value


  • Description: Specifies the height on the main window.
  • Value: Pixel value


  • Description: Specifies the width on the main window.
  • Value: Pixel value


  • Description: Specifies the height, with options for pixel value, fill-portion {int}, fill, or shrink.
  • Value: Pixel value | fill-portion {int} | fill | shrink


  • Description: Specifies the width, with options for pixel value, fill-portion, fill, or shrink.
  • Value: Pixel value | fill-portion | fill | shrink


  • Description: Sets the background color.
  • Value: Color


  • Description: Sets the text color.
  • Value: Color


  • Description: Sets the border color.
  • Value: Color


  • Description: Sets the width of the border.
  • Value: Pixel value


  • Description: Sets the radius of the border corners.
  • Value: Percent value


  • Description: Sets padding.
  • Value: Pixel value


  • Description: Sets left padding.
  • Value: Pixel value


  • Description: Sets top padding.
  • Value: Pixel value


  • Description: Sets right padding.
  • Value: Pixel value


  • Description: Sets bottom padding.
  • Value: Pixel value


  • Description: Sets spacing.
  • Value: Pixel value


  • Description: Sets width as a length value.
  • Value: Length value


  • Description: Sets height as a length value.
  • Value: Length value


  • Description: Sets horizontal alignment.
  • Value: left | center | right


  • Description: Sets vertical alignment.
  • Value: top | center | bottom


  • Description: Sets the color for text selection.
  • Value: Color


  • Description: Sets the color for placeholder text.
  • Value: Color


  • Description: Sets the width of the text area as a length value.
  • Value: Length value


  • Description: Sets the width of the scrollbar in pixels.
  • Value: Pixel value


  • Description: Specific block for scroller styles.
  • Value: Varies


  • Description: Sets the margin around the scrollbar in pixels.
  • Value: Pixel value


  • Description: Sets the width of the scroller in pixels.
  • Value: Pixel value